Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Guess What I got for Christmas??

Richard's Gift

Sheila's Gift

No I did not get a 40" flat screen HD LCD TV, but guess WHO did??? It is all he has talked about for months. So Santa was good to him this year. Of course me, being the wonderful wife that I am we just had to reward him. If you know Richard he is so humble and never ask for anything for himself so it was so easy to give in to his "little boy lust" for this "big boy toy"! To add to his cause he was.....yes you guess it, He was not feeling too well during Christmas, actually he was just down right sick....but you wouldn't have known that on Christmas morning! It was shameless, you just had to be there to see his face................... when Brittney and Ethan were ready to see what Santa had brought them....lol
Of course him being the wonderful husband that he is, he just had to share with me! Yes he gave me his cold! Yuck I have been so sick, but at least I avoided it until Saturday, the house was clean, toys (gifts) put away and then I could at last rest (be sick)! We are talking in bed for two days! I did go to the doctor today. I asked for a shot and medicine. I am feeling much better I might add.

He did take care of me in~between hooking up/playing with his Toy!
Thank you God for antibiotic shots and meds. we have a New Years Celebration after Church Wednesday night, his department from Ben Lomand are coming to the house Friday night for a Holiday party/get together, and I have family coming in from Alabama Saturday! There is no time to be sick! There is cooking, cleaning, party planning and much fun to be had.............................................................................................
yes Virgina there is a Santa Clause, but he is on Vacation after December 25th!!

I hope everyone hears/reads the sarcasm/joking in my voice/typing. I am very blessed to have a wonderful, faithful and devoted husband and two healthy loving children to share life with and I never forget this, even in the midst of our chaos! lol
I wish you all a very Happy New Year and safe and happy memory making Holiday with your loved ones ( even if they make you sick at times.) lol
Much Love and New Years Blessing from our Family to yours!!!
Coming soon "Dollar Store Christmas" just for you Jessica!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Dashing through the snow...Well we don't have snow, but it has been pretty cold lately. Has everyone's Holiday season been as hectic as mine?? I kid you not, I have will have attended between 12/15 events by the end of this month and several I have hosted!! Busy as a bee here, and it doesn't look as if it is going to slow down. I am not complaining God has blessed me and I am so grateful for the fellowship and friendship most of all.

I headed out with my friend Tawanna for a girl trip yesterday!! I miss her so much since she has been living in North Carolina and I love when she is in and we get some time together! I had a dr. Appt in Murfreesboro and a little stocking stuffer shopping to do. Have I mentioned how much I love stuffing stockings for my family?? We open gifts on Christmas morning and after the gifts we empty our stockings!! I love this part most!! I always include a card that I have written on Christmas Eve and placed in each of my loved ones stocking. I try to let them know how much the last year has meant to me and how important they are in my life. It is a tradition that I hope to continue even after they are married.
Today I had a fabulous day with friends we celebrated a brunch at Harvest Farms and it was scrumptious! If you have not visited in awhile you should check them out. I would have taken pics. my camera is on the blink...hmm wonder if Santa is listening?? Anywho, big hugs and thanks goes out to my sweet co-worker and friend Ms. Wendy, for the invitation! Wendy, girl you ROCK!
There are still last minute things on the list that need to be completed but after lunch tomorrow, hopefully I will be able to relax!

From our house to yours Merry Christmas and may you all have a safe, happy, fun filled day with your loved ones!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Asking for your prayers.....

It saddens me to say I have spent too much time at the funeral home this week and it continues...

we were at Church last night when the news came about Preslie Slatton passing away! Preslie was a 12 year old little girl and a relative to Joy Slatton one of our members. We were having our Christmas dinner and when I heard the news I just cried. Please keep the Slatton family in your prayers. I read Kim Cantrell's blog and she asked others to post this candle as a memorial for Preslie. We have several children in our hometown suffering with cancer and other illness, please pray for these little ones and their families. We are so blessed to have healthy children, and especially this time of the year is a reminder to us all "the true gifts of this Holiday is our children"

Please keep Tabetha and her family in your prayers on the unexpected death of their Aunt, Deanna Kirby. I know they are beyond saddened by this loss and as their Christan family we can pray for comfort during their time of sorrow.

I would also like to mention the following families please pray for them in their time of loss.

John and Sherri Blaire ~on the passing of John's dad.

Candy Woodlee on the passing of her Dad, Winton Dykes,

Bobby and Charlotte Boyd ~ Charlotte's Mother Mrs. Frances Brown,

Mrs. Dean Gay~ her husband Mr. Dewey Gay

and others I may fail to mention.

God Bless you and your family and may he keep you safe in the shelter of his hand!

Monday, December 15, 2008

No Menu Plan Monday

I am taking a break from Menu Planning due to the Holidays. With 5 parties to attend there is no way I could keep on track with daily menu's this week. Girls this is one of those times when it is OK to just wing it. I am just taking one day at time and marking the days of the calendar until Friday. After Friday, I may be able to breath! I hope you have a great week and I will be back to share the festivities of this week later on.
Have a blessed week.

Monday, December 8, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things!

I thought this would be fun to do during the month of December. Just post this banner on your sidebar and post a list of your favorite things. I know you say "Sheila, who has time to make a list"? If you chose to play along keep it simple and hopefully this will add a little cheer along the way. If you do decide to play along leave me a comment and I will stop by for a visit to see your list. Remember keep it simple and have fun!!

Merry Christmas,

Menu Plan Monday

I didn't post my Menus last week. I was so busy with Christmas in the Park, the luminaries fundraiser, and a surprise birthday party Friday night for one of our friends. I just posted the menu on the fridge and winged it basically.
We like everyone else are so busy this month. We have 6 parties so this will free up some of the menu planning.
Don't forget to stop by and visit Laura at Organizing Junkie for other great menu plans. Big thank you to Laura for hosting this and for the great new holiday banners. She is a jewel.
Have a blessed day.

Mon: Eat out (dr, appt Murfreesboro)
Tue: Stir Fry, vegetables, Salad
Wed: Manwiche, Oven Fries,
Thur: Homemade Vegetable Soup, Cornbread
Fri:' Pizza, Salad
Sat: Christmas Party the Davenports (bring finger food)
Sun: Dinner at MIL...Yummy!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


courtesy of flicker
Yes, Sunday is my favorite day of the week!!! The picture above reminds me of peace. I crave simplicity and peace in my life. I love everything about Sundays and the tranquility it brings for me, my home, and my family. I try very hard to do no manual labor on this day. What makes it special to me first and foremost is the freedom to worship God. I pray that our nation will always allow us this freedom. The next special part of this day is the wonderful meal at my in-laws. It has nothing to do with the food, everything to do with our time spent together as a family. I love the Sunday paper, and I have a very specific way of reading it (has to be in certain order..haha). I try to take some time to look over my schedule for the coming week, I menu plan with my family on Sundays, and plan as many ways to help us get thought the next week with little to no stress as possible (impossible to accomplish)! I make special time with each child. We share current news, thoughts, fears, and coming events in our lives. This helps me feel connected to their independent lives as young adults. I try to do this on a daily basis, but it just seems that Sunday is a slower paced day for all of us! I sometimes even sneak in a nap if time permits.

Now it's your turn how do you spend your Sunday? What day is your favorite day and what makes it special to you and your loved ones.

Have a blessed Sunday!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I had to share this cute email with all of you!
Little Zachary was doing very badly in math. His parents had tried everything... Tutors, Mentors, flash cards, Special learning centers. In short, everything they could think of to help his math. Finally, in a last ditch effort, they took Zachary down and enrolled him in the local Catholic school. After the first day, little Zachary came home with a very serious look on his face. He didn't even kiss his mother hello. Instead, he went straight to his room and started studying. Books and papers were spread out all over the room and little Zachary was hard at work. His mother was amazed. She called him down to dinner. To her shock, the minute he was done, he marched back to his room without a word, and in no time, he was back hitting the books as hard as before. This went on for some time, day after day, while the mother tried to understand what made all the difference. Finally , little Zachary brought home his report Card. He quietly laid it on the table, went up to his room and hit the books. With great trepidation, His Mom looked at it and to her great surprise, little Zachary got an 'A' in math. She could no longer hold her curiosity. She went to his room and said, 'Son, what was it? Was it the nuns?' Little Zachary looked at her and shook his head, no. 'Well, then,' she replied, Was it the books, the discipline, the structure, the uniforms? 'WHAT WAS IT ALREADY?' Little Zachary looked at her and said, 'Well, on the first day of school when I saw that guy nailed to the plus sign, I knew they weren't fooling around.'
It makes you think, doesn't it?? May you all have a blessed weekend.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Tis the Season.......

Wow can you believe it is December! Where did November go? I guess this month will go by just as quickly. I vow to keep it simple (well as much as possible) this time of year! Our family had a wonderful Thanksgiving, very traditional, spent with family, enjoying the fun times and taking a peek at a summer wedding in the process of being planned by Richard's Aunt and her sweet daughter.
The shopping was eventful to say the least. Friday was Chaos!! The Saturday shopping trip with my girlfriends was wonderful....we shopped, laughed, talked, ate, and just caught up on each others lives. Thank you Barbara, Glenda, and Paula!!! I made it home literally changed shoes and Richard and I headed out the door to the surprise party for Jeff Hobbs. Tina did a fabulous job of surprising him. Happy 50th Jeff!

Christmas in the Park was a huge success! There were so many little ones out, the smiles on their sweet faces said it all. The new laminar project was just beautiful and I think this is going to be a wonderful tradition that we decide to continue and hopefully it will grow with each year. We decided to purchase a brick in honor of our Warren County Children who are battling cancer. They were there to be honored for the ceremony. It was just very special and everyone was reminded of what this season is truly all about.

I opened my eyes Wednesday morning and felt like I could breath again, until Richard reminded me to look at my calendar for the remainder of the month! Whew....he just wanted me to remember to take it "one day at a time". There are 4 more Christmas parties, another surprise birthday party, and caroling, gifts to wrap, outside decorating to finish. Will we ever finish our to-do list?

This reminded me of the book we are studying on Wednesday night Ladies class. The theme of the book is based on keeping everything in balance. It has been a blessing to have this mid week bible study to remind us to keep things prioritized in our lives. We should never be to busy to put God first, and remember who is truly in control! God takes care of the whole world and he still has time for us! The least we can do is give him our time and attention, regardless of how large our to-do list is. I just wanted to remind you as I try desperately to remind myself to take a deep breath, give God the glory for the blessing, thank him for the gift of his Son, and just try hard not to sweat the small stuff the next few weeks.

Have a blessed weekend!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Taking a break

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I will be taking a break from Menu planning and posting until next week. I am not complaining when I say I am busy, I know everyone is busy during the Holiday season. If you are like me I had to make a list and I am checking it twice! lol

My to do list:
1. Thanksgiving Holiday
2. Big family dinner
3. Black Friday (shop till you drop)
4. Decorating my house
5. The Empty Nester's from church over Friday night.
6. Saturday our annual shopping trip out of town
with my girlfriends from Central Office
7. A surprise Birthday party for friend (also 6:30 Saturday night)
8. Church Sunday
9. A very big Junior Auxiliary Fundraiser with Christmas in the Park,
which is Tuesday night, Dec 2nd.
10 Babysitting with nephew and niece while Jalen had minor surgery today.
Jalen is home and doing great. We (Jensen, Karigan, Nona (J.B's mom), Ms. Kirby, and myself)made a welcome home sign and we each made a sweet card to help Jalen feel better. So keep my sweetie in your prayers and I am sure in a day or two he will be back to his normal self.
I will be back next week, until then may you each have a very blessed Thanksgiving and safe and happy day with you loved ones.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Email from Richard....

Those who trust in the Lord
shall soar with eagle's wings.
Richard sent me this email yesterday. I just had to share it. The body of the email included these words/quote.
'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'
Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

WiShInG FoR SnOw!!!

No this is not in my neighborhood, nor is it even in Tennessee :( My cousin Theresa lives in Michigan and she email me a couple of pics. from her neighborhood. I will be the first to admit I am not a big huge fan of months of snow, but I do like to have a little snow. The last few years we have been passed over by the snow fairy! Tonight I walked outside and it just feels like snow outside. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hopefully the white stuff will be in Tennessee before February....lol

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Menu Planning

Wow, is it really Monday again! The Holiday Season is upon us, so girls you know what that means......overbooked schedules, holiday parties to attend, gifts to buy and wrap, the list goes on and on. I think I will keep my Menu simple this week and hopefully not add to the chaos of this time of year:)
Thank you Luara at Orgjunkie for hosting Menu Plan Monday.

Mon: Enchiladas, rice, beans
Tue: Chicken~Fried Rice, green beans, salad
Wed: Grilled Chicken Salad, bread (carry over)
Thur: Homemade Veg. Soup, cornbread
Fri: Eat out or take out
Sat: Left overs (clean the fridge.)
Sun: Dinner MIL....yummy

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Quote

For a good tree bringeth not forth currupt fruit, neither doth a currupt tree bring forth good fruit.
(Luke 6:43)

Give time to your children each day. The time you give makes the words you speak of more value to them.
(Motivation for Moms)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sweet Home Alabama

pics. courtesy of flicker

I love this picture and just had to add it when I read the inscription on the tag! It is so near to how I am feeling today. I had to find some sort of replacement for the pictures I couldn't take with my camera being on the blink.

I made a little trip to my hometown in Alabama to visit with my extended family today. We had a great time visiting, eating, talking and best of all laughing. I am so blessed to have cousins and aunts and uncles to share in my life. I love to be with them and recall our childhood memories.

Childhood memories just flooded my mind as Richard and I pulled into the driveway of my grandparents home place (my grandparents are no longer with us, neither is the home they shared with each other.) It has been replaced by a more efficient home for our family members to come and enjoy. The most important parts of my history to this piece of land is still there. Isn't it amazing the ties we have to locations, people, things that remind us of our past. Most of my childhood friends have moved on, and I didn't recognize the neighborhood the way I remember it as a child. The corner store is still there, although Mr. and Mrs. Payne are not. Several of the houses have been torn down, and from the way it looked to me, the neighborhood is headed into more forgotten era. The part that has not change are the memories. Memories of sitting with my sweet grandmother on the front porch of that long ago home. I wish I had a penny for all the days spent talking, daydreaming or just listening to her recall her childhood, or of her telling me the story of how she met my grandfather, or how she raised her 8 children. Those are the memories that will never be erased.

Something very special happened as we pulled up the drive. I was talking to a dear friend from McMinnville. This sweet friend did not realize the impact she has made in my life, by her christian example, the great mother and wife she is, and most of all her commitment to her grandmother's memory, or how her grandmother's inspiration on her life today, and how it has blessed my life. I felt so blessed to be having a conversation with her as we pulled up to the place that held so many of my childhood memories and my heart was just overflowing. I hope she is reading this and realizes how she touches so many lives by her example.

Yes today was a Grand day. We spent it with precious family members reminiscing about our past, planning our futures, and just thankful to be together.

My wish for my children is to always take the time to make those wonderful memories with their dear loved ones. The kind of memories that stay with you a lifetime. I pray that one day in the far away future, they will pull into our driveway, or the driveway 3/10 of a mile up the road, and those same loving memories come flooding back to them. I pray that God will place friends in their lives who's example is in direct comparison with their own.

God Bless each of you, and please take time to make some memories today with your loved ones!

Weird Things!

OK, I guess I have to do this. I have been tagged a couple of times so here it goes Susan! lol
Seven weird things about me...hmm where do I begin?

1. I can't leave my house without making my bed.
2. I only talk on phone when driving (I know dangerous)
3. I am night owl, do my best task at night when family in bed.
4. I hate when feet are cold, wear socks at night in winter.
5. It's hard for me to ask for help, rather do it myself.
6. I can't accomplish anything with out a plan or list.
7. I hate mint toothpaste.

I know you all have been tagged or played along at sometime or another. So if you are reading this tag your it!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

Thank you to all the Men and Women who serve or have served in our Military. Lets all pray for those who are still working to preserve our freedom and lets pray for their safety.
May God bless our Nation and those who are protecting it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Is it me or does Fall seem to passing by more quickly than before. It must be our over~scheduled, hectic, busy lives that make the time seem to move faster with each year.
Today is my birthday and I guess it just making me reflect on the past year and how quickly it has seem to come and go. My Mother and Grandmother always said time goes more quickly the older you get. Whew....did they ever know what they were talking about.
Back to the subject at hand, yes it is Menu Plan Monday. I have several birthday dinner invitations so that is a gift in itself (no cooking) yeah!!
Don't forget to stop by and visit Laura at Orgjunkie for other great Menu ideas.
Happy Menu planning....

Mon: Kitchen closed eating Birthday dinner out!
Tue: Grilled Chicken Salad, Bread, drink
Wed: Lasagna, Salad, Bread
Thur: Left overs
Fri: Hamburger Steak, Baked Potato, Salad (carry over)
Sat: Birthday Dinner with my family in Alabama
Sun: Birthday Lunch at sweet MIL

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday a Day for Worship

I can't imagine not attending worship service on Sundays! As we all know there are many people who stay home for whatever reason they chose.
I need my church family and I look forward to our sermon and the strength that it gives me to get through until Wednesday night and I come again to recharge my batteries. I attend most of all to Worship God and give him thanks and show my appreciation for the sacrifice he made to save me from my sins. I pray for strength to live this life outside of the church in my daily walk with God.
I just don't know what life would be like with out God..................................................................lost is what comes to mind.
Have a blessed Sunday.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Updating, Catching Up and looking forward to the weekend.....

pics courtesy of flicker

I just had to post this picture this is what it looks like outside today. It has been raining all day long, when you work in an Elementary School, rain is not the most popular thing (even though we desperately need it!!) I am so glad it is Friday, and the weekend is finally here. This week has been a somewhat regular week, other than having subs on Thur and Friday due to Teacher Conferences. The students are just a little more than ready for the weekend. I guess they are just like adults in needing routine.

The Ladies Retreat is this weekend in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinbug and I am sorry to say I couldn't make it this year. I have missed several days from work this month and could not get away at this time. Keep them in your prayers for a safe trip. Ladies I will be with you next year!!!!

On another note, my sweet Aunt Betty from Michigan is on her way down South for a visit. I am so excited, can you tell. She should be arriving at my house apprx. 4-5 pm. My cousin Sharon is coming with her and her husband Bill. I miss them so much and am looking forward to seeing them. If you remember I visited with her and all of her daughters during Fall Break. We had so much fun just being girls (females!!) lol

Thank you for the prayers for my Mother. She is doing much better, she is home from hospital and my sister is taking care of her. Please continue to pray for my Mother and my sister as she takes on the challenges that go along with caring for an elderly parent. She is so strong and she is doing a wonderful job.

I hope you all find time to have family fun this weekend and just relax from a week of work.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election 2008...Vote!!!!!!

pic. courtesy of flicker

Don't forget to Vote!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Wow it seems like forever since I posted my Menu Planning! I guess I have just been a really bad slacker. Hopefully I am back on track. I hope you enjoy this weeks menu and if you need other great menu ideas visit Laura at Organizing Junkie.

Mon: BLT, fruit, and tea
Tue: Kraut and Summer Sausage, Black Eyed Peas, Mac/Cheese
Wed: Hamburger Steak, Baked Potatoes, Salad
Thur: Spaghetti, Salad
Fri: Left overs
Sat: Stew or Soup, Cornbread
Sun: Eat out (MIL on Ladies Retreat)

So much to be Thankful for

This is the time of year we begin to think of our blessing in life, and it is also a time to reflect on the past months of the year and make goals for the coming year. So with this in mind, I am again participating in the "Giving Thanks Challenge." I did this last year and it was so rewarding. So if you would like to play along join in and I must not forget to thank Leah at South Breeze Farm just hop over for a visit and she has all the details on how to participate.


Please keep my Mother in your prayers she is in the hospital but she is doing much better. Also keep my sister in your prayers as she takes care of our Mother. I am so thankful that my Mother can be with my sister and her family.
Have a blessed Monday!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

pic. courtesy of flicker

I just loved this pic. there is nothing better than an innovative homemade costume! Do you ever feel like you just want to get back to the basics? With all the changes in our world and the economy in such turmoil, I think many people are evaluating their lives and lifestyles. You know much good can come from perseverance. This is a time in my life when I am so into keeping it simple. I have been blessed more than I deserve and I am just trying desperately to appreciate the little things in life.

I wanted to mention my fall break was wonderful. I made a trip up North to visit with my family. I had a great time with my sister and Mom. I was so blessed to be able to see my Aunt Betty and visit with my cousins Teresa, Sharon and Melissa. We ate laughed and just caught up on each others lives and had some really fun girl time. My mother has moved in with my sister and things are just going along great. God is good and I pray that we all take time to appreciate the beauty in our world and most of all our loved ones.

Have a Happy Halloween and wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Only for a Season

photo courtesy of flicker God understands our prayers,
even when we can't find the words to say them

I have been beyond slacking on my blogging lately. As you may have read earlier this summer I have been dealing with my Mom going into the Nursing Home in Michigan. I just have been so overwhelmed with life, and these "emotional feelings" were beginning to get the best of me. I have never in my life cried at the drop of a hat until about a month ago, or at least I don't think I have. There have been lots of changes going on around me and it has just been so out of control for me. I like routine, and order and I like to feel as if when change comes I can handle it! Not as of lately.
I truly have nothing and I mean nothing to complain about, or worry over really. I just have been feeling unsure of things lately. This is a new feeling and uncertainly that I am not comfortable with. Well girls, God gives us exactly what we need, if we will slow down and listen long enough, then God will guide us to the answers we are searching for.

This past weekend I went for a visit to see my Mom. I had a great visit and she is doing so well. I attended service at a congregation in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and the answers were right there in the lesson. The Preacher's sermon was on living a Peaceful life! It also covered Rejoicing and turning over all of our cares to our Lord. I actually sat there in this church and cried during half of the sermon. Richard leaned over and asked me if I needed to go out to compose myself. I told him "This is just what I have been needing to hear." Isn't it amazing how we let little things add up and burden us down, they cause drought and fear, which is the work of Satan. If we would only take a moment to listen to our Heavenly Father, then we could save ourselves months of uncertainty. I feel so bad for not being the example to those around me during this time. It was just like I shut down and needed to take care of myself. If we would just take time to breath and let God know that we need him and we are counting on him to help us through whatever trials we face. No matter how small they may be.
So hopefully I am on the right path now, I am through with the "stinking thinking", worry, and fear over things beyond my control. I am going to Rejoice, because this is the Day the Lord has made. I am so thankful he is my Father.
I am so thankful for my family, friends and my sweet blog buddies and your kindness. Thank you for letting me explain myself , my absence and my insecurities. I truly believe by sharing ourselves, then and only then can we help others.
Much love to you all and have a blessed day!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Smile Award.......

I have been shamelessly absent from posting on my blog lately. I really don't even have a good excuse, other than this thing we call "life, family, work, church...." need I go on. I have been working on my time management and getting the important things accomplished. I truly owe Ms. Ashley an apology for not posting this award sooner. Sorry! I promise to try very hard to be better. Ashley is such a sweet young lady and she has so much going on in her world right now too. I am really glad that we are friends. Thanks Ash!!!! Be sure and check out all the latest treasurers on her blog.
These are the rules:
1. The recipient must link back the the awards creator
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award.
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.
Characteristics for the Smile Award:
Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times--we are all human)
Must love one another
Must make mistakes
Must learn from others
Must be a positive contributor to blog world
Must love life
Must love kids
I know it says to chose 5 people and to receive the award, but I am going to break the rules, since I am so late on posting. Tag you are it. If you are reading this considered yourself tagged!
Much love to you all and hopefully life will get back to normal in the next few weeks.