No this is not in my neighborhood, nor is it even in Tennessee :( My cousin Theresa lives in Michigan and she email me a couple of pics. from her neighborhood. I will be the first to admit I am not a big huge fan of months of snow, but I do like to have a little snow. The last few years we have been passed over by the snow fairy! Tonight I walked outside and it just feels like snow outside. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hopefully the white stuff will be in Tennessee before
We like to get out sometimes and visit the local antiques stores and that's
what we did last week on a nice early spring day. We went to Woodstock
We're sure not getting snow here although some of our record breaking heat has taken a real break! My aunt lives in PA. and she is reporting snow on her property.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Juggling responsibilities has had me out of my usual routine in the last few months. I can't wait to get moved and get settled it. Ah, routine.
You really said some nice things that I take totally to heart. Thanks for being such a sweet friend!
Oh Sheila--I hope we get a big snow this year. I am wishing for a white Christmas. Hope you are doing great and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thank you so much for your sweet (and motivating) comment. I really appreciate your kind words. Hope you have a lovely weekend :)
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