I thought this would be fun to do during the month of December. Just post this banner on your sidebar and post a list of your favorite things. I know you say "Sheila, who has time to make a list"? If you chose to play along keep it simple and hopefully this will add a little cheer along the way. If you do decide to play along leave me a comment and I will stop by for a visit to see your list. Remember keep it simple and have fun!!
Merry Christmas,
We like to get out sometimes and visit the local antiques stores and that's
what we did last week on a nice early spring day. We went to Woodstock
I am in. It may take me a day or so to get it on my blog but I am hoping my list will reflect the Savior and not my own selfishness.
I haven't added anything to the side in so long. I just went to it and instead of page element it says add a gadget. I will email you and you can then tell me how to do it. If your email is not on your profile will you email me. Mine is on my profile page.
This looks fun, I think I'll play along too! I'm so glad that I got to see you this past week. We just think the world of you!
I came here via Jaime's blog. I like this idea. I need to get happy today and this might help.
I'm playing along too. Hopefully it will help me get into the mood of Christmas ;)
It was great seeing you at Eastside!
I'll play along. Actually, I just did it. I also put it on my post today linking to you.
Christmas hugs to you!
Sorry I got you excited with the Friends picture.
I will do the favorite things list as soon as possible.
Have you seen the 'What Christmas is To Me' List I have?
Love To You, Paula
I'm playing too!
(saw you at Kat's blog)
I'm on board and all caught up too!!! Have a great Day.
Hello sweet friend. I am in. I think this will be fun. :)
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