I hope everyone hears/reads the sarcasm/joking in my voice/typing. I am very blessed to have a wonderful, faithful and devoted husband and two healthy loving children to share life with and I never forget this, even in the midst of our chaos! lol
Memories: noun, the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained especially through associative mechanisms. A particular act of recall or recollection.
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Posted by
1:14 AM
Dashing through the snow...Well we don't have snow, but it has been pretty cold lately. Has everyone's Holiday season been as hectic as mine?? I kid you not, I have will have attended between 12/15 events by the end of this month and several I have hosted!! Busy as a bee here, and it doesn't look as if it is going to slow down. I am not complaining God has blessed me and I am so grateful for the fellowship and friendship most of all.
I headed out with my friend Tawanna for a girl trip yesterday!! I miss her so much since she has been living in North Carolina and I love when she is in and we get some time together! I had a dr. Appt in Murfreesboro and a little stocking stuffer shopping to do. Have I mentioned how much I love stuffing stockings for my family?? We open gifts on Christmas morning and after the gifts we empty our stockings!! I love this part most!! I always include a card that I have written on Christmas Eve and placed in each of my loved ones stocking. I try to let them know how much the last year has meant to me and how important they are in my life. It is a tradition that I hope to continue even after they are married.
Today I had a fabulous day with friends we celebrated a brunch at Harvest Farms and it was scrumptious! If you have not visited in awhile you should check them out. I would have taken pics. my camera is on the blink...hmm wonder if Santa is listening?? Anywho, big hugs and thanks goes out to my sweet co-worker and friend Ms. Wendy, for the invitation! Wendy, girl you ROCK!
There are still last minute things on the list that need to be completed but after lunch tomorrow, hopefully I will be able to relax!
From our house to yours Merry Christmas and may you all have a safe, happy, fun filled day with your loved ones!
Posted by
2:41 AM
It saddens me to say I have spent too much time at the funeral home this week and it continues...
we were at Church last night when the news came about Preslie Slatton passing away! Preslie was a 12 year old little girl and a relative to Joy Slatton one of our members. We were having our Christmas dinner and when I heard the news I just cried. Please keep the Slatton family in your prayers. I read Kim Cantrell's blog and she asked others to post this candle as a memorial for Preslie. We have several children in our hometown suffering with cancer and other illness, please pray for these little ones and their families. We are so blessed to have healthy children, and especially this time of the year is a reminder to us all "the true gifts of this Holiday is our children"
Please keep Tabetha and her family in your prayers on the unexpected death of their Aunt, Deanna Kirby. I know they are beyond saddened by this loss and as their Christan family we can pray for comfort during their time of sorrow.
I would also like to mention the following families please pray for them in their time of loss.
John and Sherri Blaire ~on the passing of John's dad.
Candy Woodlee on the passing of her Dad, Winton Dykes,
Bobby and Charlotte Boyd ~ Charlotte's Mother Mrs. Frances Brown,
Mrs. Dean Gay~ her husband Mr. Dewey Gay
and others I may fail to mention.
God Bless you and your family and may he keep you safe in the shelter of his hand!
Posted by
3:56 AM
I am taking a break from Menu Planning due to the Holidays. With 5 parties to attend there is no way I could keep on track with daily menu's this week. Girls this is one of those times when it is OK to just wing it. I am just taking one day at time and marking the days of the calendar until Friday. After Friday, I may be able to breath! I hope you have a great week and I will be back to share the festivities of this week later on.
Have a blessed week.
Posted by
11:26 AM
I thought this would be fun to do during the month of December. Just post this banner on your sidebar and post a list of your favorite things. I know you say "Sheila, who has time to make a list"? If you chose to play along keep it simple and hopefully this will add a little cheer along the way. If you do decide to play along leave me a comment and I will stop by for a visit to see your list. Remember keep it simple and have fun!!
Merry Christmas,
Posted by
7:00 AM
Posted by
5:00 AM
Now it's your turn how do you spend your Sunday? What day is your favorite day and what makes it special to you and your loved ones.
Have a blessed Sunday!
Posted by
12:37 PM
Posted by
9:26 AM
Posted by
5:00 AM
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I will be taking a break from Menu planning and posting until next week. I am not complaining when I say I am busy, I know everyone is busy during the Holiday season. If you are like me I had to make a list and I am checking it twice! lol
Posted by
1:57 PM
Posted by
12:02 AM
No this is not in my neighborhood, nor is it even in Tennessee :( My cousin Theresa lives in Michigan and she email me a couple of pics. from her neighborhood. I will be the first to admit I am not a big huge fan of months of snow, but I do like to have a little snow. The last few years we have been passed over by the snow fairy! Tonight I walked outside and it just feels like snow outside. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hopefully the white stuff will be in Tennessee before February....lol
Posted by
5:07 AM
Wow, is it really Monday again! The Holiday Season is upon us, so girls you know what that means......overbooked schedules, holiday parties to attend, gifts to buy and wrap, the list goes on and on. I think I will keep my Menu simple this week and hopefully not add to the chaos of this time of year:)
Thank you Luara at Orgjunkie for hosting Menu Plan Monday.
Mon: Enchiladas, rice, beans
Tue: Chicken~Fried Rice, green beans, salad
Wed: Grilled Chicken Salad, bread (carry over)
Thur: Homemade Veg. Soup, cornbread
Fri: Eat out or take out
Sat: Left overs (clean the fridge.)
Sun: Dinner MIL....yummy
Posted by
7:17 PM
Posted by
5:30 AM
I love this picture and just had to add it when I read the inscription on the tag! It is so near to how I am feeling today. I had to find some sort of replacement for the pictures I couldn't take with my camera being on the blink.
I made a little trip to my hometown in Alabama to visit with my extended family today. We had a great time visiting, eating, talking and best of all laughing. I am so blessed to have cousins and aunts and uncles to share in my life. I love to be with them and recall our childhood memories.
Childhood memories just flooded my mind as Richard and I pulled into the driveway of my grandparents home place (my grandparents are no longer with us, neither is the home they shared with each other.) It has been replaced by a more efficient home for our family members to come and enjoy. The most important parts of my history to this piece of land is still there. Isn't it amazing the ties we have to locations, people, things that remind us of our past. Most of my childhood friends have moved on, and I didn't recognize the neighborhood the way I remember it as a child. The corner store is still there, although Mr. and Mrs. Payne are not. Several of the houses have been torn down, and from the way it looked to me, the neighborhood is headed into more forgotten era. The part that has not change are the memories. Memories of sitting with my sweet grandmother on the front porch of that long ago home. I wish I had a penny for all the days spent talking, daydreaming or just listening to her recall her childhood, or of her telling me the story of how she met my grandfather, or how she raised her 8 children. Those are the memories that will never be erased.
Something very special happened as we pulled up the drive. I was talking to a dear friend from McMinnville. This sweet friend did not realize the impact she has made in my life, by her christian example, the great mother and wife she is, and most of all her commitment to her grandmother's memory, or how her grandmother's inspiration on her life today, and how it has blessed my life. I felt so blessed to be having a conversation with her as we pulled up to the place that held so many of my childhood memories and my heart was just overflowing. I hope she is reading this and realizes how she touches so many lives by her example.
Yes today was a Grand day. We spent it with precious family members reminiscing about our past, planning our futures, and just thankful to be together.
My wish for my children is to always take the time to make those wonderful memories with their dear loved ones. The kind of memories that stay with you a lifetime. I pray that one day in the far away future, they will pull into our driveway, or the driveway 3/10 of a mile up the road, and those same loving memories come flooding back to them. I pray that God will place friends in their lives who's example is in direct comparison with their own.
God Bless each of you, and please take time to make some memories today with your loved ones!
Posted by
9:11 PM
OK, I guess I have to do this. I have been tagged a couple of times so here it goes Susan! lol
Seven weird things about me...hmm where do I begin?
1. I can't leave my house without making my bed.
2. I only talk on phone when driving (I know dangerous)
3. I am night owl, do my best task at night when family in bed.
4. I hate when feet are cold, wear socks at night in winter.
5. It's hard for me to ask for help, rather do it myself.
6. I can't accomplish anything with out a plan or list.
7. I hate mint toothpaste.
I know you all have been tagged or played along at sometime or another. So if you are reading this tag your it!
Posted by
8:46 PM
Posted by
4:30 PM
Is it me or does Fall seem to passing by more quickly than before. It must be our over~scheduled, hectic, busy lives that make the time seem to move faster with each year.
Today is my birthday and I guess it just making me reflect on the past year and how quickly it has seem to come and go. My Mother and Grandmother always said time goes more quickly the older you get. Whew....did they ever know what they were talking about.
Back to the subject at hand, yes it is Menu Plan Monday. I have several birthday dinner invitations so that is a gift in itself (no cooking) yeah!!
Don't forget to stop by and visit Laura at Orgjunkie for other great Menu ideas.
Happy Menu planning....
Mon: Kitchen closed eating Birthday dinner out!
Tue: Grilled Chicken Salad, Bread, drink
Wed: Lasagna, Salad, Bread
Thur: Left overs
Fri: Hamburger Steak, Baked Potato, Salad (carry over)
Sat: Birthday Dinner with my family in Alabama
Sun: Birthday Lunch at sweet MIL
Posted by
5:09 AM
Posted by
5:18 AM
Posted by
2:07 PM
Posted by
10:10 PM
Posted by
11:25 AM
Posted by
1:28 PM
Posted by
4:37 PM
I have been shamelessly absent from posting on my blog lately. I really don't even have a good excuse, other than this thing we call "life, family, work, church...." need I go on. I have been working on my time management and getting the important things accomplished. I truly owe Ms. Ashley an apology for not posting this award sooner. Sorry! I promise to try very hard to be better. Ashley is such a sweet young lady and she has so much going on in her world right now too. I am really glad that we are friends. Thanks Ash!!!! Be sure and check out all the latest treasurers on her blog.
These are the rules:
1. The recipient must link back the the awards creator
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award.
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.
Characteristics for the Smile Award:
Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times--we are all human)
Must love one another
Must make mistakes
Must learn from others
Must be a positive contributor to blog world
Must love life
Must love kids
I know it says to chose 5 people and to receive the award, but I am going to break the rules, since I am so late on posting. Tag you are it. If you are reading this considered yourself tagged!
Much love to you all and hopefully life will get back to normal in the next few weeks.
Posted by
5:58 PM