Saturday was our annual "Coat Give-A-Way" at the
Three Star Mall, several of our J.A. members worked
on this project, and our hearts were so happy! Pam was
the Chair of this project and she did a excellent job this year.
The many recipients were so appreciative of being able to come
and pick out a coat for their child or children. Several adults
were able to get a warm winter coat. You truly are blessed
whenever you spend 2 hours on Saturday and help many to
brighter winter days ahead. We try desperately to spread
sunshine and help those in need, with all of our involvements
in Junior Auxiliary.
Today, thank God for the many blessing in each of our lives! Look
to help those in need. God will truly bless you.
Have a blessed Sunday!!!
Today, Sunday we attended church services. Our preachers message to the congregation today was concerning our conscience being our guide. God gave us a conscience as a moral compass to use to guide us. That conscience must be trained in the right way to be able to lead us in the right direction. God's Word is our 1st guide so our conscience should be in alignment with the Word of God to be justified. You all know or have read here that on Sundays we have lunch at my mother--in- laws home. Well today I did lunch, to give her a break and to celebrate her birthday a little early. Every year I cook her birthday dinner on the Sunday before her birthday! Did I mention I cooked lunch for my mother in law before services!! lol Actually I had to start night before. I am in awe of her, every year whenever I am trying to pull this meal together and get my family out the door to church, realizing she does this every Sunday, every Sunday!! Pat all those Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts and sweet women on the back who cook for their families every Sunday. It is so much more than a meal these ladies are providing, they are providing their families a time of fellowship to connect after a week of work and activities. I know our family truly cherish this day, and this time to be together in one place, spent making some of our most beautiful memories together!!
Oh, I almost forgot I cooked. Crock Pot Chicken Dressing, Hash brown Casserole, Sweet Potato Casserole, Corn (my garden), Mac-Cheese, Green Beans, Cornbread! Yum!
**I did not get to post this yesterday as planned so it is posting today!!!!
We like to get out sometimes and visit the local antiques stores and that's
what we did last week on a nice early spring day. We went to Woodstock
1 comment:
Wow...Coat Giveaway...what a great project!
I'm sure your mother-in-law looks forward to the times when you do the cooking and she gets to be the guests. You're so right...Mom's deserve a big hand for all they do for us. Your meal sounds really, really good. All my favorites...lots of carbs :-)
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