No one loves surprises more than I do! Can you imagine my surprise when I got a sweet email from my friend Kat telling me that she was giving me this award. Thank you Kat, I am so honored by this and so in awe of you!!
I am suppose to pass this award along to someone. I love you all girlie's.
Today I will pass this award along to:
Angela: Terrible Speller
Torie: Craven 5
Alison: Cummings Family
Danielle: Sliger Family
Shannon: Flanagan Family
Have a blessed day!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I Am So Honored!!!!
Posted by
2:11 AM
Beautiful Give-a-way!!!
Go visit Sandy here post a comment for a chance to win this awesome painting. She is giving this away in honor of Breast
Cancer Awareness Month, so this is the last day to enter! Her site
is absolutely Fabulous! She is so talented. Ladies remember all those who have been touched by this disease! Lets make others aware so that someday our daughters maybe able to say there is a cure. Have a blessed Day
Posted by
1:26 AM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Today is my sweet mother-in-laws birthday! Happy Birthday Mrs. Betty!! I love you and I hope you have a wonderful birthday! You inspire me in all you do. Thank you for always, always being there for me. Thank you most of all for raising a son who is an amazing husband and Dad. You are a blessing to all of our family. I hope you enjoy your day and know how much you are loved!!
Posted by
5:30 AM
Favorites Stars and A reminder!!!!!!!
OK ladies, who watched "Dancing With The Stars" last night? I really enjoy this show, whenever I get a chance to see it. I absolutely love the group dance last night. It was so good, the choreography was great, the costumes were cute, the theme was 50'sock hop. Do you have a favorite celebrity? Please post who you are rooting for!!!*****************************************************
Don't forget tomorrow night the little "spooks" will be out. Please keep this in mind as you are out driving. Lets all be a little more cautious and watch out for the little ones who will be out "trick or treating" they will be excited and having fun! They will more than likely not be as careful as usual. So just a reminder to us all!!!
Posted by
5:15 AM
Tip Tuesday!!
Today we are doing things a little different, mixing it up! Instead of me posting a helpful "Tip" I would love to hear from you. If you have a "Tip" that has been helpful or made life easier please post it for everyone to enjoy. This is your chance to share! I hope you will contribute, next week we will be back to the usual. Sometimes it's fun to do things different.
Posted by
5:13 AM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Menu Plan Monday #7
Posted by
8:10 PM
Where or Where did the Weekend Go?
Saturday was our annual "Coat Give-A-Way" at the
Three Star Mall, several of our J.A. members worked
on this project, and our hearts were so happy! Pam was
the Chair of this project and she did a excellent job this year.
The many recipients were so appreciative of being able to come
and pick out a coat for their child or children. Several adults
were able to get a warm winter coat. You truly are blessed
whenever you spend 2 hours on Saturday and help many to
brighter winter days ahead. We try desperately to spread
sunshine and help those in need, with all of our involvements
in Junior Auxiliary.
Today, thank God for the many blessing in each of our lives! Look
to help those in need. God will truly bless you.
Have a blessed Sunday!!!
Today, Sunday we attended church services. Our preachers message to the congregation today was concerning our conscience being our guide. God gave us a conscience as a moral compass to use to guide us. That conscience must be trained in the right way to be able to lead us in the right direction. God's Word is our 1st guide so our conscience should be in alignment with the Word of God to be justified. You all know or have read here that on Sundays we have lunch at my mother--in- laws home. Well today I did lunch, to give her a break and to celebrate her birthday a little early. Every year I cook her birthday dinner on the Sunday before her birthday! Did I mention I cooked lunch for my mother in law before services!! lol Actually I had to start night before. I am in awe of her, every year whenever I am trying to pull this meal together and get my family out the door to church, realizing she does this every Sunday, every Sunday!! Pat all those Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts and sweet women on the back who cook for their families every Sunday. It is so much more than a meal these ladies are providing, they are providing their families a time of fellowship to connect after a week of work and activities. I know our family truly cherish this day, and this time to be together in one place, spent making some of our most beautiful memories together!!
Oh, I almost forgot I cooked. Crock Pot Chicken Dressing, Hash brown Casserole, Sweet Potato Casserole, Corn (my garden), Mac-Cheese, Green Beans, Cornbread! Yum!
**I did not get to post this yesterday as planned so it is posting today!!!!
Posted by
12:01 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
"25 Women Of Acheivement"
Today I would like to challenge each of us to give the acknowledgement and honor to those ladies in our lives who so well deserve it!!!
Posted by
5:40 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tip Tuesday
Posted by
7:55 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
A sweet surprise!!!!
I awoke this morning happy, not necessarily because it's a Monday and I have the day off from work. Imagine my surprise this morning when I checked my email and found that my thoughtful friend, Kat at JustaBeachKat, had awarded me the "One Sweet Treat to Read" award. This is especially nice coming from her. Kat's blog is fabulous and I stand in awe of her. Thank you Ms. Kat, you truly made my day!!!!
Posted by
8:55 AM
Menu Plan Monday #6
I hope everyone had a very fun and restful weekend. I do have one carry over item from last weeks menu. Richard and I are trying to eat healthier, and sometime Menu planning is harder when trying to diet, (the only hard part is choosing for our needs and the children wants). lol Thursday we will be eating at the County Club. We will be attending a dinner to honor my sweet MIL as one of the 25 outstanding women of Warren County (post more on this later).
A big thank you to Laura at Orgjunkie, for hosting Menu plan Monday, please check out her site for more fabulous Menu's. She also has many organization idea's she is inspiring. Happy Menu planning this week....God bless you all.....
Mon: Fried Chicken Salad (carry over from last week)
Tues: Grilled Fish, Oven baked Fries, salad
Wed: Mexican Casserole, salad
Thur: Dinner at the Country Club (celebrate MIL award)
Fri: Cookout friends house.
Sat: Left overs from past dinners
Sun: Dinner MY house!!! Sweet MIL birthday dinner
Posted by
7:00 AM
Bell Buckle Will "NEVER" Be The Same!!!!!!!
Sherri (my sweet SIL) and I decided to spend our Saturday at Bell Buckle Craft Fair!!! Jalen, Sherri's oldest had a soccer game, so immediately after the game we head out. This girl, knows her directions and she knows how to shop. I was in awe, had a hard time keeping up. I love Bell Buckle and we had a wonderful day. We even got a little silly at the end, giggling and pulling out the camera to see if we could sneak a picture (of items we "One day" will try to make) haha. I don't think those vendors have anything to worry about if they take a look at her schedule or Girlies we really need little snippets or even days of Girl Time, however and with whomever we choose to spend that time, to connect as only females do. Thank you Sherri, for a much needed break and much fun and laughter. I love you and value our relationship....
P.S. Our day did end at the hospital, Ms. Carrie, one of Sherri's teacher co-workers, had to go in for kidney stones. We visited her and hopefully cheered her up. Keep her in your prayers that the stones will pass quickly. God Bless you Carrie, don't kill me for mentioning you here!!!!!
Update Ms. Carrie had to have them removed so please keep her in your prayers.
Posted by
6:45 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
mY BiTs oF HaPpY!!!!!!
Driving to beach with family.
Stawberry Shortcake ice cream.
Summer Break from Work.
First cup of coffee
Completed "To do List".
Cru meeting me at door end of the day.
Snow Days!!!!!
Sunday Lunch with all my family
Giving and Receiving "happy birthday wishes"
Pleasant day at work.
Living on a Farm, working in City.
Friendship of my Mother-In-Law
My sweet nephew and niece saying "GimMe, we love you"
Granny's and Cracker Barrel's Dumplings!!!
Richard planning surprise weekend "get a ways"for us.
Tag You are It!!!
Posted by
10:56 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Business Mixed with Pleasure......
Posted by
11:19 PM
Tuesday Tip
I just have to share this cute info. since today is Tues. Tip.
I won't reveal names, you know who you are. I was in
Walmart recently and the clerk told me she read my
blog and enjoyed my Tuesday Tip, made me smile.
So you never know who is reading or enjoying.
Today's Tip follows
Cleaning Chandeliers/other Light fixtures:
Chandeliers have a reputation for being difficult
to clean but it doesn't have to be that way. First,
turn off the light and let the bulbs cool, don't start
until they're cool. My Chandelier is in a two story
open foyer, can't reach it to clean it. I place a clean
sheet (so I can see the dirt as it drips off) on the floor.
I get my ladder and I spray the entire Chandelier with window
cleaner and let it drip clean/dry. Must completely saturate
the prism to remove dust. Just pick up sheet put in wash.
It works for me, give it a try this works for other Light Fixtures
too. Have a blessed day.
Posted by
1:31 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Menu Plan Monday #5
Richard is going on a business trip. So this week is going to be
simple for Ethan and I. Come back next week for our regular!
This week we are doing Check out
for other good menu idea's.
Mon: Sloppy Joe's and French Fries
Tues: Fried Chicken Salad
Wed: Chicken Pot Pie, garden salad
Thur: Pizza, salad
Fri: Take out, eat out
** I will only post weekends if special event...Sundays are always dinner at MIL..yummy
Posted by
11:35 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Ethan
Posted by
5:30 AM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Happy 95th Birthday Mr. Claude
Posted by
11:59 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Happy Fall Y'all
I just love this time of the year. I had a great time
visiting several of the booths and seeing all of my friends
at Autumn Street Fair Saturday. Such a success. Richard's
Leadership Class, was the first to host the"Autumn Street Fair",
it has grown so much since those Early days. Every year I enjoy
it more than the last. It really gets you into the Fall season. Brandie,
designed the shirts and her booth was great with all her artwork.
We also visited a new shop downtown. Three Peas In a Pod it is
absolutely Fabulous!! Marcy has outdone herself with the help
of several ladies her shop is so unique, she has very beautiful
handmade items, bows, candles and of course Miss Ashley's
outstanding Artwork. If you haven't visited you really should.
We should all take a deep breath, we will turn around and it will be
time for Christmas......
![]() |
![]() |
Slide shows, scrapbooks, photo ecards, and more |
Posted by
11:30 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I get by with a little help from my friends!!!!!
I know this is a line in a song, right? I have to give a big shout out to
Ms. Kat at I LOVE my
new signature that she helped me configure on my blog site. She is so
nice, and her site is Fabulous. Kat thank you for being so patient with
You can tell a lot about a person by listening to them, or in our (bloggers)
case, reading written thoughts and words. She is so very talented, beautiful,
and has such great ideas. I visit her site daily. It is so uplifting and her post
are interesting, educational, or just sometimes very funny. Stop by and visit
her it will be time well spent.
I just love making new blog friends....
Posted by
5:00 AM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Tuesday Tip ( Yeah it's late too!! sorry)
Yes I know, I am running behind, and I apologize
but just couldn't let today end without this little tip.
Gum Remover for clothing;
Ice Cubes, Girls it works like magic. If the gum is harden
on the fabric, get an ice cube and use it to chip at the edges
of the harden gum. It will start to remove the gum, launder the
item and all residue of gum should vanish.
Believe me, I did this one and saved a pair of white shorts.
Posted by
11:59 PM
Menu Plan Monday #4 (gosh I am late)
Posted by
11:59 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
Calling All Mothers YOU Must Hear this!!!!!
If you are a mom you must hear and see this
soooo real world, it's it...let me know
if you do too...... btw my son is William "Ethan"!!!!
Posted by
7:11 PM
Look What I received in the Mail!!!!!
Nicholas Sparks' new release, "The Choice" came in the mail last week,
to bad I was so drug induced from surgery, I was not able to understand
what I started to read. So needless to say, I had to lay it aside. Now that
I am getting back to normal, I am ready to enjoy this book page by page.
He is such an awesome writer. You really should add this to your list of
good reading material. Happy reading today........
Posted by
11:10 AM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Hump Day, Haircut, Driving, Oh MY
Well it is hump day, middle of the week and half way to the
weekend. I am also celebrating driving for the first time
since last Thursday. This little privilege we take for
granted is so important in our day to day lives. I will
admit it felt a little uncomfortable or maybe I was
being a little more cautious today. It reminded me
of my children when they first started driving, how
aware of the dangers and slow they were on the beginning. This
driving story leads up to why I was going out in the
first place. Now ladies you know how important our
monthly trip to our hairdresser I had my
appointment way before I found out about this little
surgery incident. So needless to say, I was not going
to reschedule it even if I had to call a cab. I made it fine
and with a smile on my face. You know I have always
felt like our time spent with our hairdresser is like
therapy anyways. So couldn't miss out on my monthly
appointment to get my fix. lol
My husband did make the comment that I had my
winter color on, hmmm what exactly does that mean?
He doesn't like it, its to dark, whatever .....
I am just so happy to be able to drive to my appointment
and now I must run because it's also time for me to leave
for church, try to teach class tonight. Maybe the ladies won't
notice I have my winter color on tonight.......Peace love and
have a great evening, .....however you decide to spend it.
Posted by
5:44 PM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Tuesday Tip
OK Girlie's, I have been taking it easy this week, I wanted to
thank you all for the sweet phone calls, emails, food, cards, flowers
and most of all your prayers. It has been a blessing to
know your friends are there in our time of need. I have been so
touched by your kindness, and "thank you" just doesn't seem
Sorry this post is late in the day, so I will keep it short and sweet.
Easy way to store Bed Linens
After you launder you sheets/pillowcases.
Take them immediately from dryer and fold each
sheet individually , fold small enough to fit inside one of
the pillow cases. Insert all items for each set of Linens
inside the designated pillowcase. Place these
in your Linen closet or if you are like me I like to put
mine in top shelf of my closet. This makes it so easy
to find when I am ready to change them. This does save
time looking for a misplaced pillow case.
Have a blessed day...........
Posted by
2:41 PM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Menu Plan Monday #3
This week's menu will be different. I am keeping it simple and easy.
girls. One thing I can mark off my to do list. The Roast, Spaghetti, Chili
Posted by
7:38 AM