I haven't posted in forever, my life has been so busy lately.
I have been asked to fill in for a short time at one of our local Elementary Schools. I say sure, so I head out to the school to check things out, and WOW was I blown away. I had forgotten how much work teachers do during the summer, and how much I have missed being a part of one school, (I try to help all 11 schools in our system). I was so impressed this week by the staff. Their welcome for me and their dedication to their profession and their school. Anyone who says teachers don't work in the summer need to visit Morrison Elementary School. They have a new principal this year, although she has been a mainstay there for quite awhile. The staff is so enthusiastic about the coming year. They have worked so hard on their rooms and it shows. The registration was sooo successful. They enrolled 49 new students and I am sure there will be more. As I, a stranger to this community school, sat in the office (trying to be helpful to parents) I was overwhelm with the respect and the joy the parents had for their school, teachers, principal and staff. The loyalty is very evident from any ones view. I am so looking forward to this journey however long it last. I think they will have to run me off...haha.
Seriously as school is about to begin, stop and thank our teachers and school staff for all the hard work and training they do for your child.
I hope all have a great weekend, my husband is begging me to go whitewater rafting with him and the teenagers from church tomorrow. We will see. God Bless until next time.
P.S. Say a prayer for a safe and healthy school year for our children and our schools and the dedicated professionals who are molding our children's future!!!!!
We like to get out sometimes and visit the local antiques stores and that's
what we did last week on a nice early spring day. We went to Woodstock
Thank you Sheila for your post. You are a vey hard worker yourself and I know they are loving having you at Morrison. I hope you go rafting and have fun! Take care and breath for a minute before next week.
Thank you for your sweet words. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful school and are very glad that you are there with us. Have a great weekend and I will see you Monday morning, bright and early.
You are getting your school fix after all. I know they are loving you being there. Hope you have a great week!
Thank you girls for all the kind words and I just found out yesterday its back to the C.O. for me (the bookkeeper had a good test results) keep her in your prayers....have a wonderful first week of school.....
i would love to make brittney one.. i miss her. where is she going to college at?
Thank you for your kind comments on my page. Have a great school year! I added your link. Talk to you soon.
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