Oh My!!! She is really 20 years old today, and she is no longer a teenager.
Was it really 20 years ago, where does all the time go. Today is her birthday,
a day to celebrate and to recall all the milestones and memories, but it is also
a time to look to the wonderful plans for the future ahead of her. I really never
thought of her "being all grown up" a young lady, she was always my little girl.
My firstborn, the one I waited so long for. She is coming into her own.
The journey ahead will be filled with laughter and tears, successes and some
things that will not always turn out the way she has it planned, but I pray that
she will always stay true to who she is. We are so proud to see her strong and
even in her weakness she shows strength and her love for God.
Brittney you are one of the greatest blessings in my life. Thank you for being
"our" girl and for the example you are as a christian, the kind of christian who is
strong enough to admit your mistakes and strive to be stronger, and have the
relationship with the Lord that keeps you in his safe harbor. Thank you for listening
to me say "and one more thing", overlooking and forgiving me when I tried to hold
you to close, or protect you a little to much. Thank you for your friendship, and being everything a Mom could ever want in a daughter. I am so proud of you and I hope the years ahead are filled with laughter, love and kindness given and received by you.
Happy Birthday Beautiful....All My Love, All My Life.....
We like to get out sometimes and visit the local antiques stores and that's
what we did last week on a nice early spring day. We went to Woodstock
Beautiful!! You are so fortunate to have such a wonderful daughter. I hope Marlee is that good when she turns 20.
Happy B-day, Brittany!
Love you both,
I can remember when Brittany was just a little girl with Kay at East End. I only hope that there are girl that pattern their lives like Brittany has. She is a wonderful example for young girls. I don't know that I have ever seen her out and she not make a point to speak to me, even if it ment walking across the store. Happy Birthday Brittany....
She is truly beautiful. Reading this, I can only hope that Lexi will turn out as good a daughter as Brittany. :)
mom thank you so much. this comment really made my day! you are too kind. I love you so much, and through all that I have and ever will go through I am proud to call you my mother, proud to call you my friend, proud to say that she is the woman I hope to model my life after. all my love, B
Sheila--you have done a wonderful job! Brittney is such a lovely lady inside and out. I hope she has a wonderful birthday today. Love ya and give yourself a pat on the back too.
Reading this makes me a little sad, because I know that all too soon, my baby girl will be all grown up. It is bitter sweet because you are so proud of what they have become, but so sad that you can't make them stay little forever. Thanks for my reality check for the day. I will hug Arden a little tighter tonight before bed!
Hi there! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. Come again anytime...you're always welcome.
I've enjoyed my brief visit here to your blog and will come back. Since I've just returned from my trip, I'm waaaay behind on lots of things..........
Thank you all for you birthday wishes for Brittney and all the sweet posts, we all are truly blessed each day with our children (whatever age they are) God Bless, have a great day
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