Junior Auxiliary of McMinnville is known for "Christmas in the Park" this has been a long standing tradition for us. The lighting of the tree has begun the Holiday season for many. This year we will be putting bows on the 35' Christmas Tree in downtown. We sold bow in honor of or memory of loved ones and friends, the profit from the sale of the bows will be given to Healing Hearts, our welfare project. The bows will be placed on the tree Friday night. The lighting of the Tree will take place on Saturday night, at which time our members will read the names of the ones whom the bows are representing.
Our traditional "Christmas in the Park" Will be celebrated this year on Tuesday, December 4th. There will be lots of fun activities for your little ones to enjoy. We will have our Cider House in Regions bank, please stop by and grab a cup of cider and cookie and meet our Provisional members. We will once again, with many thanks to Ben Lomand Telephone, have the Santa Phone Booths (little one can call Santa). We have a new addition this year, the Lollipop Shop, little ones can come in and purchase a gift for their families. We are also in charge of the entertainment. I know there will be several performances you will not want to miss. This along with the downtown Merchants involvement should be a night of fun for all. Please come out and enjoy the beginning of a wonderful Holiday season, bring your young ones and the young at heart for a festive evening courtesy of Junior Auxiliary. As always may God bless our efforts with this project.
Special Note: Please keep our President, Susan Burks, family in your prayers. Her grandmother is in the hospital having test today. Lets pray for speedy recovery and good test results.
We like to get out sometimes and visit the local antiques stores and that's
what we did last week on a nice early spring day. We went to Woodstock
1 comment:
For the first time in years, I get to be in the audience with no responsibilities!!!! Hopefully, it won't be too cold and we will be able to enjoy the festivities. Happy Thanksgiving!
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