We had a very busy day today. Richard and I always take
the day off from work to be together on our birthdays. I know
so sweet. This year things were a little different than usual.
I had a doctor's appointment today in Murfreesboro.
We leave at 9:ish, my appt. is at 10:30. We complete
my doctors appointment and afterwards it's lunch time.
Richard decides we will eat and then do some shopping, it is
his birthday remember. So we had a wonderful lunch at
Chef Wangs everything was delicious, afterwards we stop
off at Dehoff's Christian book store. I picked up new material
for our ladies class. Our next stop was Sears, I wanted to buy
a new gas grill for Richard. Wow they are so nice, stainless steel,
all the little gadgets (I know nothing about). He is in heaven.
We ended up buying the grill at Lowe's, ladies you just can't buy
a grill without a man picking it out. He reminded me he does not
buy my clothes..haha
We ended it with WCHS football game. It was homecoming,
as you know my son is a senior. WCHS lost the game it was
their first loss this year. The Senior Float won first place...
way to go Seniors!!!
All in all it was a good day......
We like to get out sometimes and visit the local antiques stores and that's
what we did last week on a nice early spring day. We went to Woodstock
Glad it was a good day for you! Hope your weekend is good too.
Please e-mail me so I'll have a way to reach you.
So you finally came to the game with the other 3,998 people and I did not see you. Sorry I missed you! It wasn't a great game to come to, but I hope you enjoyed the floats and the homecoming activities!
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