Hi everyone I just wanted give a update.
The surgery was successful, and even
the ride home wasn't bad. Richard has
been surprised that I have experienced
so little pain. I am on the road to recovery
This may sound strange, but my body is
feeling better already. I must have been
in more pain that I realized.
Thank you for the cards, calls, emails,and flowers
and nice thoughts and prayers you sent my
way. It is so nice to know you have friends
praying for you. The hardest part of all of this
is not being able to go about my daily activities,
work, and to tell you the truth I have only sat
up for 15 minutes at a time. I know this will
pass and I will be right back to my old self real
soon. I have to brag on my family, they know
how I hate when the house is not together, or
dishes in sink, so they have gone above and
beyond to make sure things are nice and clean.
Brings a smile to my face. God bless and have
a blessed day!!!!!!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Home Sweet Home
Posted by
10:40 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tuesday Tip
OK, so this is week three. If only to have something to blog
it is so worth it. I also hope it is helpful to you in our day
to day hectic life, a girl needs a little help.
I can do anything in 15 minutes!!!!
I wanted to share with you one step I am using in
getting myself more organized, (I don't know if
this counts as tip), I have been using 15 minutes
a day to accomplish something at home, in my car,
my purse, the kitchen, or my desk at home or work.
I try to clean up (declutter) for 15 minutes, it is amazing
how this works when you do it everyday. Come on girls
everyone can spare 15 minutes. I have been faithful to
devote on a daily basis my 15 minutes to my before bed
routine. I pick up, make sure stray dishes or glasses are
in dishwasher, lay my clothes out for the next day. This
has been so helpful in getting me out the door next moring.
Thought you may want to try it. You can
spend more than 15 minutes if you want, but devote 15
minutes to these efforts daily. Listed below is the website
I found this on and they have many more helpful time saving
ideas. I get daily emails on target areas of my home to work on
check it out www.flylady.net
Posted by
12:43 AM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Menu Plan Monday
Posted by
8:35 AM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Minor But Major To Me.
Hey girlie's, just wanted to ask a favor of you. I mentioned
in my post yesterday that I had a doctors appointment,
since it was Richard birthday, I didn't want to post any-
thing negative or sad.
Anywho...I was actually there to preregister and have
blood work done for some "minor" outpatient surgery.
I am having my gall bladder removed. After several test
the past couple weeks, I learned it has only been functioning
at 3%. So that is why I have been feeling lousy after a meal.
Friday, Sept. 28. I will be going to Murfreesboro, my surgeon
Dr. Jimmy Carter (he is so amazing) will be taking care of
this little problem for me.
I know everything will go fine, but there are risk with any
procedure, Dr. Carter told me there were higher risk
driving to my appointment. haha
Life is full of risk, but I would like for you to keep me in your
prayers and also if you have any advice or have had this surgery
please post a comment. Pray for my family, I know recovery
is only a week, but can you imagine my house after a week of a
Man and two young people taking care of it....hahaha
Have a blessed rest of the weekend.....
Posted by
6:49 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Fun Filled Day!!!!!
We had a very busy day today. Richard and I always take
the day off from work to be together on our birthdays. I know
so sweet. This year things were a little different than usual.
I had a doctor's appointment today in Murfreesboro.
We leave at 9:ish, my appt. is at 10:30. We complete
my doctors appointment and afterwards it's lunch time.
Richard decides we will eat and then do some shopping, it is
his birthday remember. So we had a wonderful lunch at
Chef Wangs everything was delicious, afterwards we stop
off at Dehoff's Christian book store. I picked up new material
for our ladies class. Our next stop was Sears, I wanted to buy
a new gas grill for Richard. Wow they are so nice, stainless steel,
all the little gadgets (I know nothing about). He is in heaven.
We ended up buying the grill at Lowe's, ladies you just can't buy
a grill without a man picking it out. He reminded me he does not
buy my clothes..haha
We ended it with WCHS football game. It was homecoming,
as you know my son is a senior. WCHS lost the game it was
their first loss this year. The Senior Float won first place...
way to go Seniors!!!
All in all it was a good day......
Posted by
11:20 PM
Happy Birthday Richard, My Love
Richard, you are my best friend, and I hope you
Posted by
7:00 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tuesday's Tip
It's Tuesday, time for helpful hint...hmm what shall I post today...remember this is a work in progress. haha
This one is for the mother of young children, or grandmothers. I really had to dig back a ways to find this one since my children are teenagers and older. Please test these methods on inside of hemline or a part of the garmet that would not be damaged, before you begin.
How to remove Baby Formula:
For whites clothing, try applying lemon juice to the stain
and laying it in the sun. Pretreat and launder as usual.
Unseasoned meat tenderizer is great for removing formula
and baby food stains also.
1. Make a paste of the tenderizer and cool water, rub the stain. Let it
sit for an hour or so before laundering. Make sure launder several
times to remove all remains of paste, we don't want to irritate baby
soft skin. If you child has allergies may try other methods.
Meat tenderizer contains an
enzyme that breaks down protein stains.
(make sure you use unseasoned tenderizer)
2. Soaking colored clothes and whites in Brilliant Bleach is also effective,
you may have to soak for several days to achieve the desired results.
(this bleach is non-chlorine, so safe for baby's things)
I do hope this tip has been helpful to you, and I hope this helps make
laundry day alot happier....
Posted by
2:48 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
Happy Birthday Sherri
Sis-ter-in-law: Noun: sister of one's spouse. The wife of one's brother, or wife of one's spouse's brother.
Today is my SIL, Sherri's birthday and I wanted to take a moment to let her know how special she is in my life. As you read the definition of SIL, it just doesn't do our relationship justice. She is so much more to me. I love and admire her for so many reasons. She is a wonderful christian wife and mother. Sherri is a great daughter to her parents and she honors them by the way she is raising her children. She has a strong bond with her brother, (my sweetie) Richard, that I pray will pass on to our children when they are grown. I am so blessed to have her in my life and I could never think of her as only my spouse's sister. She is my sister
Posted by
5:10 PM
Monday Menu Plan
OK, If you are like me you come home from work ask "what do you want for dinner"? Everyone either has no comment or whatever, so several years ago I decided before I did my shopping, to make a menu for the next week. I involved each member and let them pick a day to chose their favorite food. This has been so nice. When I shop for grocery I add to my list items I need for that week along with other staples I need to replace.
I ran across this website and I love it http://orgjunkie.blogspot.com/ and she has this cool thing with Menu Plan Monday, so I thought it was fun and maybe you guys would be interested in starting menu planning to if your not already doing this.
This is just one step in my organization process I am working on, so bear with me.
Thats all happy eating................................
Monday: Shrimp Stir Fry, salad
Tuesday: Grilled Chicken, New Peas, salad
Wednesday: Pork Chops w/Mushroom Gravy, Herb Potatoes, Green beans
Thursday: Taco Salad
Friday: Take Out/Eat Out
Saturday: Soup/Chili
Sunday: Dinner at MIL "YUMMY"
Posted by
12:20 AM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Jalen Is 7 years old!!!
OMG I can't believe my sweet little one (nephew) is 7 years old today...I feel so connected to this child. Like me, he is the firstborn in his family. He is easy going and he has a great sense of humor...see where I am going here...lol Happy Birthday Jalen, I love you so much and I have Ice Cream Cake on it's way to your house... Happy Birthday Jalen, Jalen, Jalen...(inside joke).....
Posted by
1:16 PM
Tuesday's Tip and a Good Laugh!!!
OK, Girlie's I know the Warren County A&L Fair is here this week , no one has time for blogging.
Tuesday's Tip is debuting today. I am posting a helpful hint on Tues. If you have a helpful hint post it on your blog, lets share info. Leanne actually gave me this idea with her post on removing grass stain, take a peek.
Drum roll please...lol you may not like the tip, but bet you will laugh.
Yes Girlie's you heard right...directions following
fill tub or sink with water, drop in several denture
tablets. Leave the room, finish your daily chores, come
back and wipe everything down...it works every time.
***Special Note: Visiting Grandparents, or others who use
dentures, do not try to "kill two birds with one stone", and
clean dentures and tub at same time...The author of this blog
will not be responsible for damages to denture apparatus, due to
negligence of the owner..lol
OK that's it girlie's, the other thing I am contemplating
giving a freebie away...sounds like fun doesn't it.
I just had a great idea how about my first "Give-A-Way"
be denture tablets...ROFL
Have a happy day and see you at the Fair!!!!!!
P.S. Comments really would be appreciated today,
even some healthy or constructive criticism.. haha
Posted by
4:46 AM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Happy Grandparents Day!!!!!
Posted by
10:46 PM
End of Season Cookout
Posted by
10:30 PM
Southern Style Birthday Bash!!!!!!
I have been meaning to post about this birthday party for a week or so...If you don't know Sue and Jimmy Taylor then you are missing out. Sue is soo creative (Southern Creations) and Jimmy is just as talented. Sue invited Richard and I to Jimmy's birthday party. Jimmy built this little version of Cracker Barrel/Blue Bird Cafe. They had a band (Just Looking Around), Jimmy really enjoyed the party so much that later on he joined the band and played. Sue cooked lots of delicious food. Did I mention that Jimmy built a Barbecue house last year. When I said they are talented they are really talented. The food was wonderful, music was good everyone was relaxed and we all had a great time. Thank you Sue and Jimmy and we cant wait till the next event...Love you both
Posted by
1:39 PM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Win Some-Lose Some!!!!!
Well first off, I hope my husband doesn't read this...but if you are male, in Tennessee, you know that UT lost last night. If you will recall, we were at the State Horse Show to see my little sweet ones(Jalen and Jensen) and their dad J.B ride. OK, we can go nowhere during football season unless there is a T.V. available. I convince him either we will be home in time, or we will watch from the T.V. in the camper (my in-laws) take for the horse show weekend. The trip starts out with radio (which I could care less). I have magazines too look at) he is listening to the MTSU
game. I am content riding and reading, and half way there he is really aggravated. I look up,
from my magazine and make the first mistake, of asking "what's wrong"? OMG, MTSU is loosing, I prayed a silent prayer for the game later tonight!! We all know how that one went. NEVER tell a man "it's just a game"
Anywho!!! On the winning side...Jalen and Jensen and J.B. did some winning last night and several trophies were involved. I will post with pictures of my sweet little ones and their accomplishments....So ladies last night needless to say there was no dinner involved unless you count a walking taco from the vendor, and shopping who's going shopping when you make the comment "it's only a game"!!!!! Until the next time....love peace and thank God for food vendors at a horse show.....hahahaha
P.S. My husband is a sweetheart and today it really is only a game....or at least he is acting that way....hahaha
Posted by
3:31 PM