Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tuesday Tip

My this is late and I am so sorry, I have been so busy and just haven't had a second to post this. Now that I am forgiven, I will explain how I chose this week's tip! My ladies bible class has decided to study a Book in the bible we chose "Proverbs" for the month of January, 31 days- 31 chapters. I know that several of you ladies did the Proverbs Challenge earlier this summer. So I thought, with January being a time when we are inside more than outside, it would be a good month to try this. With our hectic lives, church, family, work and all the other stuff added in ~I welcome any systems, schedules or list to help me achieve daily devotional time. Today's tip is simple if you are searching for a way to add daily bible study. Pick up your bible, chose a Book and begin it is that know what they say after 20 days something becomes habit, so if this is a weakness of yours, here is a tip to help! Have a blessed day....


Holly said...

Great Tip! I am trying to find a way to make this a habit at my house also. Why is it that it seems so hard to do something so easy? Especially bible study. We know we are only going to get good things out of it. I really don't think we could give ourselves a better gift or one that would be so rewarding. I am proud of you for being such a wonderful person who always has the right priorities. Thanks for being such a wonderful inspiration.
Love ya,

Sandi McBride said...

Hi Sheila...sometimes I go back to a post to check on who said what when I want to make a remark about it...and I found you hiding your light under a bushel on a past post. Now try saying that five times fast! I love the book of Proverbs, it has so many answers to so many questions. Now, some might think me irreverant, but I am not, at all. I know what God has done for me and thank Him daily...I know what he will do for me tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...aren't we all lucky to be Children of the King?
Come by anytime...the door's always open.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Sheila, looking forward to hearing all about your work change plans! I know you will get it all figured out & do what is good for you & your family. Glad I could be some bit of inspiration for you. I can't tell you how free I feel now that I'm not going into an office every day. Lots less stress & hectic schedules. I'm so looking forward to seeing what the Lord is going to bring my way this year, with a new business venture, volunteering, etc.

I'm really having to think about how much time I'm spending on the computer though..that is going to be the hardest part about being at home. I think when I get more of a schedule for myself, that will be better too. Right now I've got TOO much free time & it's easy to procrastinate & waste time.

My ladies group in our SS class just started a new Bible studay Wed. night, by Priscilla Shirer, called Discerning the Voice of God & I think we're really gonna enjoy it!


shirl said...

My blog spot has changed its

Justabeachkat said...

I did the Proverbs Challenge and loved it.

Hugs sweet friend!

ReminisceHeirlooms said...

Your blog always uplifts me. Thank you for that!

Anonymous said...

I really needed to read those verses today and just managed to wonder onto your blog Sheila. Thanks