Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday Tip...HELP!!!!!!

This pic. made me laugh. Wow, do I relate to this man!!! Do you ever have one of those weeks, you feel like you are just going through the motions? I must be having one. It has taken me forever to get back into the grove of things since Christmas break? I am getting there just moving in slow motion it seems! So I have racked my brain, looked through books and read online to come up with this weeks Tuesday Tip, nothing seem like the right one to post! So after much deliberation and thought, I have decided to turn things around. I tried this a few weeks ago, no one commented :( I will try again! I want to turn things around, and let you post your helpful hints! Just post a old faithful, product, anything that has worked for you and has become a time saver! Hopefully we will be back to normal next week, this week I need your help! Have a blessed week......

Please post a comment with your helpful, time saving,
product, or life altering hint!!!!

Menu Plan Monday

I am late getting this posted. I apologize, Richard is out of town, so I will be keeping things very simple this week. We have a carry over from last week. I hope you enjoy. Thanks you to our host of Menu plan Monday, Laura at Orgjunkie visit her for other great Menu ideas. Happy eating!!!
Mon: Garden Salad, bread, drink
Tue: Spaghetti, Salad, Bread
Wed: Left overs
Thu: Homemade Vegetable Soup, Grilled Cheese (carry over)
Fri: Eat out or Take out
Sat: Hamburger Steak, Baked Potato, Salad
Sun: Dinner at MIL....YUMMY !!!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dinner For 2

Joy, at Simply Joy Catering is having a fabulous give-a-way! Yes girls you heard me right! She is giving a way to one lucky winner a "Surprise Dinner For Two" This sounds sooo delicious! Please head on over and leave her a comment and maybe you will win!
Please mention that you heard about it at Gim'Me Memories. If you post about the give-a-way on your site she will enter your name for each comment! Good luck and Thanks Joy for hosting this Yummy give-a-way. I am keeping my fingers crossed!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tuesday Tip

My this is late and I am so sorry, I have been so busy and just haven't had a second to post this. Now that I am forgiven, I will explain how I chose this week's tip! My ladies bible class has decided to study a Book in the bible we chose "Proverbs" for the month of January, 31 days- 31 chapters. I know that several of you ladies did the Proverbs Challenge earlier this summer. So I thought, with January being a time when we are inside more than outside, it would be a good month to try this. With our hectic lives, church, family, work and all the other stuff added in ~I welcome any systems, schedules or list to help me achieve daily devotional time. Today's tip is simple if you are searching for a way to add daily bible study. Pick up your bible, chose a Book and begin it is that simple...you know what they say after 20 days something becomes habit, so if this is a weakness of yours, here is a tip to help! Have a blessed day....

Monday, January 7, 2008

Menu Plan Monday January 7-13

Wow!! It's Monday again, another week come and gone! I must be moving in slow motion or maybe I am just getting old, I am late getting this posted! lol We do have a carry over this week. Keep in mind when Menu planning to change things around to fit your family's schedule. As always thank you to Laura at Orgjunkie for hosting Menu Plan Monday!!!
Mon: Chili Dogs, oven fries, drink
Tues: Chicken Alfredo, salad, bread (carry over)
Wed: Taco Salad, drink
Thur: Roast, Potatoes-Carrots, salad
Fri: Eat out or take out
Sat: Homemade Vegetable Soup, Grilled Cheese
Sun: Dinner at MIL!!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Let it Snow, Let it Snow

I am so proud to finally share these pics of the snow we received in Tennessee. Tuesday night we finally received snow. Our family had been praying for a white Christmas, but it didn't happen, maybe next year. My sister lives in Ft. Wayne, Ind they got lots of snow something like 12 inches. Some people have all the luck, although I would only like to have that much snow if it last for a few days. They have big winters up North and they last a long time. Anywho, we did get some snow and everyone was excited. Now I challenge you to share pics of snow in your area.
***Updated weather in Tennessee, it is Saturday, the weather is cloudy and in the 50's........

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hi Ho.. Hi Ho.. it's off to Work I went!

Can you hear the sarcasm in my typing? Yes I returned to work today, after a wonderful winter/Holiday/break....I was so dreading it....I so wanted to finish several projects that are underway at my home, and spend a couple more days with my son (he returns to school on Monday) ...oh well can't cry over spilled milk forever...lol BTW tomorrow is Friday, so only one day and then weekend...woohoo...doing the happy dance.
On to other things! I was intending to posting pics. of our snow, unfortunately I have misplaced my camera, but I will eventually find it (unless it is packed away with Holiday decorations)hmmm....I will post pics., I promise Kat (smile)! Now back to the snow...Yes we did get some snow here in Middle Tennessee...and it was so beautiful while it lasted. I know all you teacher bloggers was really excited especially since you did NOT get to use one of our 11 snow days. Yes we have built in snow days or inclement weather days built into our school calendar (we never use them up)!!! So pray for more snow for our hometown , and if you want to feel really jealous visit here. Laura at Org junkie had a lot of snow and she had fun playing in it...Now I must run, I need to either look for my camera or do a happy/snow dance..Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Tuesday Tip, For the New Year

I am praying that everyone had a safe New Year Celebration. Today being the 1st day of New Year, 2008. I would like to give a tip related to achieving goals. Several years ago I started a list of goals and challenged my ladies bible class to participate. There were things I needed to work on, and somethings I wanted to try. other things I wanted to learn. I had this list of goals underway by the end of the year. As a rule I have done this continuously. I try to evaluate my list of goals monthly and tweak them. I am not hard on myself, and I recognize whenever I accomplish a goal...some goals are going to take longer to achieve, some are obtainable within a short time frame. Remember doing something 20 days becomes a habit, acknowledge that we all are a work in progress...we all have strengths and weakness. One of my accomplished goals, of which I am very proud, is recognizing the things I control, and those things out of my control. Handing over those uncontrollable things to God.
*** So my tip for today:
1. Make a list of goals today.
2. Write them in a Journal or notebook or notepad.
3. Keep them in an accessible place.
4. Read them monthly, check them and tweak them.
**Remember some of those things will be obtainable and some you may not complete 100%. We are aiming for progress....My renewed goal list is below......
1. Continue to work on my daily bible study and prayer life.
2. Work on my perception and or judgement of other people and their circumstances in life.
3. Devote some one-on-one time daily with dear husband, precious daughter, and sweet son.
4. Don't sweat the small stuff, and recognize and thank God for all the many blessing.
5. Try earnestly to reach out to others in their time of need. Be available to those in need.
6. Take a class in photography.
7. Work on time management.
8. Master sewing on my sewing machine. At least make one article of something...lol
9. Add exercise program daily, if only walking on treadmill.
10. Eat more healthy and get more rest.
Good luck with your list, or resolutions, or whatever you chose to work on to improve or reach your potential in 2008. Remember there is always room for improvement in all of our lives and it usually starts by looking in the mirror and working on the image we see....May God richly bless you and your loved ones throughout 2008.