Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine myself as an Olympic athlete!! Never in my wildest dreams will I ever be one.....lol
This morning when I tried to get out of bed, I felt as if I had been in training for the 2012 Summer Olympics! I guess I should explain myself...
As many of you know (by my shameless bragging all summer long) I have been on an exercise program and we'll call it "healthy eating plan"......My exercise program consisted of water aerobics 2 times a week. I really intended on making the class more often, but organizing, cleaning, gardening, canning fruits and vegetables among other things seem to get in the way.
Back to the story...stay focused Sheila. I decided that all the hard..haha work I had put into my exercise program needed to continue, since I had not reached am not near my idea goal. So for the life of me, I don't know where I got the idea that I was ready for an aerobic class (out of water) on land.
The story goes something like this...I meet a friend Monday night at the Civic Center for a body sculpting class. Girls, this body definitely needs sculpting, and a little carving wouldn't hurt either. I met my friend, and am pumped and ready to begin (continue) my exercise program.
I should have known something was wrong, the warm~up seemed awfully hard. The warm up last all of 5-7 minutes. Don't judge me, unless you have attended Jilleen class on Monday nights. Girls I really truly think she could get a job on The Biggest Loser, training people, she is that good.
I survived (barely) and have every intention on going back next Monday. I really felt better after I was about 1/2 way thought the work out. Tuesday morning was great, I thought to myself (water aerobics really did help me with my flexibility) I did say Tuesday morning, Right? I woke up this morning and was attempting to get out of bed as usual and this horrific pain stop me dead in my tracks! The pain was coming from my under worked, underused, abs!!!
I almost let out a call for help from Richard! What happened to my body overnight didn't prepare me for what I felt on awaking!
I did finally, of my own freewill, make it out of bed. I thought "you know I really needed that work out" I am so out of shape.
When I get to school, I ask my friend if she is sore? She smiles and say "YES!!, right here, while pointing to her abs!!) So I breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't only me and my age.
I definitely will be back next Monday!
We are continuing our Water Aerobics class on Saturdays, I plan to add this Body Sculpting (Ab. killer) class too, along with walking, and maybe another class or the gym and the machines. I thought to myself "I never want to hurt like this again!!"
I must tell you all that Jilleen is awesome, beautiful, in great shape, and just as beautiful on the inside. She is a personal trainer also.
So if you are looking for something to do, Monday nights 6:45 pm, come check it out, but you really should use the water aerobic class as a warm up.
Just wanted to share....
Have a blessed day.