We are home! We had a wonderful vacation with our family, the memories will last a lifetime. I will tell you about our trip a little later, for now I hope you enjoy our memories at the beach.....

Memories: noun, the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained especially through associative mechanisms. A particular act of recall or recollection.
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4:56 PM
Well hello strangers! I have been such a slacker at posting this summer. I must admit I have been very busy and it is so hard to sit in front of a computer and type when there is so much sunshine around and you are trying desperately to capture all the wonderfulness (is that a word?) of summer, being off from work, and just trying to "fit it all in."
I have not posted my Menu's or any helpful tips, or even posted about my family or our escapades. lol I promise I will try to do better, but for now I am going to enjoy the remaining days of "summer break" before you know it we will be returning to school and the work grind.
That being said I will update you on my last few weeks.
We had a wonderful 4th of July, we decided to go camping at Tennessee Hills. My husband and his family have gone there since he was a baby. We just kicked back and relaxed, swam in the pool, had a cook~out and visited with family and old friends. We did make it back in time for the fireworks at the Civic Center, that was fun even though it rained.
I have been faithful to my water aerobics work~out. We have been working in our vegetable garden and trying desperately to keep our flowers and other plants alive during this recent drought.
I continue to work on my to~do list, and it is getting smaller.
We have our Annual Gospel Meeting going on this week, and our previous Preacher (Wayne Cantrell) is the speaker. It began yesterday and will go thru Thursday.
I guess that sorta brings you up to date. If by chance you are still reading and haven't fallen asleep from all the excitement, please except this invitation to you and your family to come visit us at Hebron COC on Thursday evening. There will be lots of fun family activities before the meeting begins. Cook~out, hayride, and I believe there will be pony rides for the little ones.
I saved the most exciting for last!! Monday morning we will be leaving for our Summer Vacation with our extended family. We always look forward to our visit to Gulf Shores, the Ocean, food and the relaxation that comes with spending time with those we love.
I will get back on track after vacation and bring back my menu planning and tips, and daily posting I promise.
I hope each of you find the beauty in the Summer that is surrounding us and may you have fun with your loved ones daily.
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3:35 PM