they began their high school freshmen class with over 600 students, there were 420 seats for this year's ceremony!
The last few weeks have been very busy, exciting, and at times hectic and overwhelming, but all in all they have been just memorable! Busy in all the work and time devoted to making this night happen, exciting knowing that Ethan is beginning a new chapter in his life, and hectic and overwhelming realizing that his adult life is now in front of him. I remember my mother and grandmother saying "How time flies" when you are young you do not realize or comprehend this statement. When you bring those little bundles of joy home from the hospital, you can't imagine the road ahead for you or them! Yes, this road is paved with joy, happiness, and exciting new adventures, and there are times of tears. We must learn to let them go into the world and achieve their dreams. We must let go....! This young man, my sweet Ethan, has been such a blessing in my life. I am so proud of the example he is to others around him. He is quite and has a gentle demeanour. Being his mother has been one of the most rewarding gifts. Brittney always said he got it easy because she paved the way! lol I guess you do relax a little with your second one. I am so proud of his beliefs, and I am most proud of him whenever he makes mistakes in life and ask for forgiveness. I think as a parent, this is when you see all the hard work come to fruition.
This is also a bittersweet moment for mothers. We are learning to let go...and let those wings be their guide to help them fly. My wish would be to all the graduating seniors of 2008, to have or find the courage, strength and love they need to guide them on the path in front of them. Congratulations, good luck and May God continue to bless all of our children......
2008 graduating class procession!
William Ethan!!!
So proud he wasn't ashamed to wave!
Let the ceremony begin!
Best friends celebrating!
Leah always puts a smile on his face!
Grandparents our support and guide!
from boys to men!